Urgyen Sangharakshita has had a profound impact on the lives of thousands of people around the world.

He’s created a vibrant international community of committed Buddhists inspired by his life lived for the Dhamma.

But so many people still know little about him or what he taught.

Many who have heard of him, have only heard confusing, or one-sided stories.

Our projects help people connect with Sangharakshita on an ever-deeper level.

Since 2021, we've:

Enabled pilgrims to visit Urgyen House and feel a tangible sense of his presence in his last home
Launched the Triratna Picture Library, giving free online access to thousands of high-quality images
Launched the Triratna Video Library, including 40+ Sangharakshita talks and hundreds of other videos

...And we have much more to do!

We Need Your Help

Please give £25 a month, or whatever you can, to help us continue helping people to connect with Urgyen Sangharakshita.

Donate online using the form below, or donate via bank transfer if you prefer.
